Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Would you like to confirm you relationship with Fea?

hahahahaha silly thing! gue lagi mau gila gilaan nih, baru aja gue ngehadepin ulangan fisika Ibu Marini yang sangat mematikan dan susahnyaa nujubileee -_____- the way out is blogging aja (applause) haha
gue cuma mau gokil gokilan ajaa bro bukan berarti gue lesbong yeee gue masih doyan akang akang kasep euy hahaha emang ekke cewee apaan
Jadi, kemaren kan kelas gue ada pertandingan sepak bola (Moehi League) lawan anak sepuluh A, btw kelas gue menaaang looh haha oke ga penting back to the point jadi kemaren kan pada pergi nyupport yang awewe nya jadi gue bertugas jagain kelas, eh engga deng gue ama feanya aja yang cape berdiri panas panasan nyupport-in cowo cowonya yang lagi maen makanya kita milih dikelas aja ngadem ajeb ajeb sambil wi-fian hehe
ditengah ke-boringan yang melanda tiba tiba gue ngajak pellaa my beloved bebeb halah -.- buat ganti relationship status di pacebo'ok haha kurang kerjaan -_________-
So, the point is gue cuma mau pamer aja gitu sama cowo cowo yang mau ngegebet fea haha (picik) secaraaa feaa getoh gonta ganti cowo udah kaya gonta ganti celana dalem

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Millie, My Photogenic Kitty!

olaaa amigos! howdy sunday! I alwaays love SUNDAY!
this sunny sunday filled with lot of sleep and eating suddenly, idk why I thoughts 'bout my lovely kitty, Millie all day (dinar, my friend is the real owner actually)
Just wanna share this picts
I take these photo's before she's gone :(

she's looks really cute even she was sleeping! aaaaah! I miss brushed her cutie smooth fur! I miss take millie for a bath! I miss play around with her! millie is the smartest kitty I ever seen! I miss everything about millie so much :(

p.s : this post I made for remember millie

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bad News!

ANJRIT! akhirnya cctv kelas gue dipasang juga! padahal gosipnya udah dari jaman jebot tiap kelas bakal dipasang cctv, tapi ga di pasang pasang, dan sekarang itu bener bener terjadi! ah gimana ulangan semesteran besok, mampus ajaa kalo ga bisa nyontek, gimana kabar bahasa arab, bahasa jawa, fisika dan matematika ntar? shitlah pokok'e! gimana kalo cewek cewek mau ganti baju kalo habis olahraga? males banget musti ke toilet dulu!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sketch of Batik (Masterpiece)

Oolaaa amigos! baru mulai aktif nge-blog lagi nih hehe setelah berbulan bulan fvckum dari dunia per-blog-an haha lebeh -.-
hari ini ngepost ape yee? ohiya gue mau share lagi deh tentang sketsa batik kelompok gue
jadi pembina ekskul batik gue tuh nyuruh buat batik dengan berkelompok 6-7 orang haha lumayan rumit sih sketsanya, gatau deh ntar hasilnya kalo udah di batik pegimane
ini adalah hasil kreatifitas dari 7 tangan seni haha yaitu, gue, fieda,
adinda, feby, yesi, fella, dan celica haha tengoklah hasilnya cekidot!

the theme is Full Flower

this is the frame, looks like pilus hehe

isn't that great? haha PD!
itu aja kali ye, ntar deh kalo udah di batik gue posting lagi okey? haha
udah ah capek ngetik!
chaaaaaaooooooooooooo :D

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Header!

aloooha blogster! just wanna share my own design header
kinda bored with the old header, Then I make one check this out!

haha so simple, it just take 5 minutes with photoshop
that's all byeeeee!